This is a record of my journey as a mother educating her children and what has and hasn't worked for us. My goal in sharing is to provide a useful resource to help you on your journey of discovery and learning with your children. So, whether you are a stay-at-home mom of toddlers, have a house full of kids for the summer, or have chosen to homeschool full time, I invite you to take what you like, modify it to work for you, and pass on any ideas that your kids have enjoyed.
The Themed Activities section is dedicated to my mother and she is a co-author (Sun/Rae). She was always coming up with "Fun Days" for us to have. We did everything from yellow day (wear yellow, eat yellow foods, and learn to say yellow in other languages) to Bastille day (study the history, make french flags, and eat french fries). As children we thought this was a blast and didn't even realize we were learning. I am trying to continue this with my own children and pass the ideas on in the hopes that your family might enjoy them too. See the Themed Activities page for more.
The Reading section of the blog is a journal of the experience of teaching my oldest to read. He learned his letters/sounds through theme days over the summer. Then last December he said to me, "Mommy, I need to read now." I was a little panicked. I had been to years of college (see Background) but that morning I realized I had no idea how to teach my child to read. So, I began to read books on how to teach reading. I also turned to my friends who had been teachers. I share our experiences to assist others on the road to reading with their own children.
In Whiteboard Workshop section I will follow our homeschool community workshops. I will post a synopsis of the workshop experience discussing highlights and ideas for followup. You are welcome to follow our blog as you consider future workshop attendance for your student.
Finally, my wish for this blog is to encourage other mothers to have fun with your kids. Do what they like to do and success will surely follow.
"The Up Side of Down" by Megan McArdle
Failure is often seen as a bad thing. When we fail in school, we cannot
progress. When we fail a driving test, we are not permitted to drive. When
we fail ...
6 years ago