Friday, June 4, 2010

Donut Day - June

I love any excuse to have a good donut so when my mom sent me this story we had to do it. (I barely got this picture before he had downed the whole thing in record time.)
The first Friday in June is National Donut Day. The holiday was proposed by the Salvation Army, in 1938, to honor their "serving ladies" and to raise funds for the needy in Chicago.  The Salvation Army created "huts" in France during the first World War. It had rained for 63 days and the solidiers were very discouraged. The "huts" were staffed by 4-6 women, who made coffee and other baked goods for the soldiers. They were the only women allowed on the battle field. The hot donuts were a big hit with the tired soldiers.  Legend has it that this was the origin of the term "doughboy" to describe soldiers. But the term has been found as early of 1846 in the Mexican American War.

Here a few ideas to celebrate donut day.
  • Check with your local donut store to see if they are participating in either giving away free donuts or donating matching funds to the Salvation Army if you buy donuts.
  • Make your own easy donuts from canned biscuits. 
  • Discuss the history of the Salvation Army that has the red kettles we see at Christmastime. 
  • This is also a day to discuss helping our soldiers and volunteeing.
  • Buy store bought donuts and enjoy!
We also reviewed the sounds and writing of the letter O since it is a donut shape.
For more ideas visit preschool corner.


  1. I love homemade donuts! Your post reminded me to link my last year's donut day activities-thanks!

  2. I only found out AFTER the fact...sigh. :)
