Friday, May 28, 2010

Coupon Saver Activity

Argh!! The afternoon slump.  School is finished.  Lunch is over.  Still 2 hours until naps.  What to do?  Then we hear it.  Off in the distance.  Coming closer.  A low rumble.  It is thunder? a train? a bulldozer?  No.  It is the mailman (our is really loud).  Yea.  First he goes down the opposite side of the street and then we wait anxiously by the window for him to come back up our side.  What does he have for us today?  The highlight of our afternoon.
About once a month we get the coupon saver.  I give the envelope to my oldest and we have turned this into a little learning project to extend the joy of mail time.
Fine motor skills: opening the envelope without tearing the coupons
Sorting:  making three piles - the ones for momma (haircuts, pizza...), the ones he wants (builders, tractors...), and the rest
Cut and paste: cut out the pictures he wants and glue them to another piece of paper
Writing: label each of the pictures either by himself or by dictating to me
Thank you USPS for brightening each day!
Visit Preschool Corner for more great ideas.


  1. Great idea! I think I will be doing this from now on as well! :)

  2. I miss getting the coupon packs! We don't get those where we live. A great idea though!

  3. Great idea! Before you know it, he will enlighten you which tractors are better :)
